Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Common Cold

         OSH State University(IMF)

                                                          Common Cold

INTRODUCTION : Common cold is also known as influenza. There are almost 200 different types of  viruses causing cold. Most common is Rhino Virus. Which causes  so called common cold. It is a normal disease as it is not that fatal at normal level. But precaution is better than cure. Its  caused by viruses. Though it is not chronic it irritates the host as there is headache , drainy nose, respiratory problems , sneezing , sore throat.

Defination : An acute disease of upper respiratory tract that is marked by inflammations of the mucous membranes of
nose , throat , eyes and Eustachian tubes and by a watery then purulent discharge and is caused by any of several viruses

 Symptoms :  Sore throat

Treatment : Consult nearby doctor. Get medicines and take rest as much as possible. Avoid contact with others as it can cause it to them also. Take medicine on time. If lasts more than week again consult doctor.
                             RHINO VIRUS


Common Cold

                                                            OSH State University(IMF)                                       ...